This version is in beta - expect some breaking changes.

Individual Income API

Available in Sandbox Yes
Sandbox base URL
Available in Production Yes
Production base URL


This API is one of a number of APIs that provide information that HMRC knows about an individual's tax affairs.

This API in particular provides the following information about an individual's income for a given tax year:

  • income from employment, as reported to HMRC by their employers through the PAYE process
  • income from pensions (other than state pension) and retirement annuities
  • income from other state benefits or grants, such as taxable Incapacity Benefit, contribution-based Employment and Support Allowance and the Self-Employment Income Support Scheme

The primary intended use for this information is to pre-populate an individual's Self Assessment tax return.


We use standard HTTP status codes to show whether an API request succeeded or not. They are usually in the range:

  • 200 to 299 if it succeeded, including code 202 if it was accepted by an API that needs to wait for further action
  • 400 to 499 if it failed because of a client error by your application
  • 500 to 599 if it failed because of an error on our server

Errors specific to each API are shown in the Endpoints section, under Response. See our reference guide for more on errors.


You can use the sandbox environment to test this API.

It supports stateful behaviour. You can set up test data using the Individual PAYE Test Support API.


When an API changes in a way that is backwards-incompatible, we increase the version number of the API. See our reference guide for more on versioning.


View API endpoints
Why do these endpoints look different?

The endpoints for this API now use the Open API Specification (OAS).

The API has not changed. You do not need to make any updates to your application if you already use this API.