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Cwestiynau a Ofynnir yn Aml
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Cwestiynau a Ofynnir yn Aml
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What is operating PAYE in real time/Real Time Information?
What changes will be made to PAYE Online with the introduction of reporting in real time?
Will I be able to send PAYE pay and tax details in real time using PAYE Online?
What are 'RTI Notices'?
Why is a repayment amount shown in my account when I haven't been repaid?
What PAYE forms and returns can I send over the internet?
Are there any PAYE forms and returns that cannot be filed online?
What PAYE notices and reminders can I receive over the internet?
Can I change the way I receive my PAYE notices and reminders?
Can HM Revenue and Customs tell me when I have PAYE notices and reminders to deal with?
How do I view notices and reminders that were issued over seven days ago?
What are the benefits of downloading my notices?
How do I load my PAYE notices and reminders into my software package?
How do I print my PAYE notices and reminders?
How do I notify or change my email address with HM Revenue and Customs?
Can I send a test submission of my Employer Annual Return?
How will I know HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) have received my returns and forms over the internet?
What happens to my forms and returns after they have been acknowledged?
Do I have to file my P35 after my P14s?
How can I amend my Employer Annual Return (P35 and P14s)?
How can I send an amendment online when my payroll software does not allow this?
As an agent, do I need to obtain a declaration and keep a copy of my client's end of year return before I file it online?
Can I use HM Revenue and Customs PAYE Online Services (internet) to file forms and returns for a Simplified PAYE Deduction Scheme?
Who cannot use the HM Revenue and Customs PAYE online service?
Can other people in my organisation use the PAYE for Employers Online Service on my behalf?
What do I do with the remaining parts of the P45 if I file online?
I am an employer or an agent acting for an employer what changes can I make online?
Can I view my PAYE tax position online?