Cyllid & Thollau EM

Will HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) notify me when I've been sent a Pension notice, reminder or certificate over the internet?

If you completed the first stage of the online registration process (this first stage is called pre-registration) and you provided an email address then HMRC will send you an email each time a Pension notice, reminder or certificate is placed on your Pensions Noticeboard. However if you've asked to receive paper notices and reminders you won’t get an email. Instead you’ll get your notice, reminder or certificate through the post.

You can also provide HMRC with an email address after you have registered for the online service or change the one you gave during pre-registration. If you're using HMRC's free online Pension Schemes product go online and select 'Pension Schemes' from the 'do it online' menu. Login to the service with your User ID and Password and then choose the 'Pension Schemes' link under 'File your forms and returns'. Select 'View or amend your details' link to add or change your email address. Check with you software provider if you're using commercial software.