HM Revenue & Customs

Service address details


Main address - this is the place where you carry out your business.

Communication address - this is the address where you want your correspondence sent, if it is different from the main address.

Self Assessment

Main address - this is the place where you carry out your business.

Communication address - this is the address where you want your correspondence sent, if it is different from the main address.

Capacity address - this is the address used when someone else is acting on behalf of your business in a legal capacity, for example, executor or someone holding power of attorney.

Trader address - a trade address may be the factory, shop or other premises where the business is carried out. This may be different from the main (business) address you've already provided.

Corporation Tax

Main address - this is the place where you carry out your business.

Please note: If you have registered your company at Companies House you cannot change your address using this service. You can only change this address at Companies House.

Communication address - this is the address where you want your correspondence sent, if it is different from the main address or the address you have registered at Companies House.