HM Revenue & Customs

1235 - User ID

Enter the User ID that was given to you when you first signed up for a Government Gateway account.

Please note: If you are registering for HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) taxes and have created a new Government Gateway account as part of the registration process, please enter that User ID instead.

User IDs are made up of 12 randomly generated numbers, for example, 123456789123.

Do not leave spaces between the letters or numbers when entering your User ID.

If you have lost your User ID you can request a replacement by following the 'Lost User ID' link on the HMRC 'Welcome to Online Services' page.

If you incorrectly enter your User ID or Password three times or more, you will be locked out of your HMRC Online Services account for two hours. After that time you will be able to try again using the correct User ID and Password.