Cyllid & Thollau EM

Origin and type of the HMRC reference number

Please enter one of the following options.

Self Assessment Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR)
Enter this option if you complete a Self Assessment tax return as an individual and have an active (live) UTR.   This could apply to personal representatives of a deceased person and individual partners in a partnership.

Self Assessment Trust and Estate UTR
Enter this option if you complete a Self Assessment tax return as a trustee or personal representative and have an active (live) UTR.

Not applicable
Only enter this option if you don't have one of the HM Revenue and Customer (HMRC) references above.

If you are unsure whether you have an active (live) record you can contact HMRC. For further information about contacting HMRC, follow the links below on GOV.UK

Self Assessment: general enquiries

Contact HMRC