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Your property

Address 118 -120, The Market, Oxford, OX1 3DZ
Local council reference 11318201820

Properties to compare yours with

Your property and the ones shown are in valuation scheme 360376. Valuation schemes group similar properties together.

Address Description Total area m²/unit Rateable value
67 -68-74-75, The Market, Oxford, OX1 3DX Market stall and premises 64.7 £30,750
76, The Market, Oxford, OX1 3DX Market stall and premises 13.5 £6,800
64 -64a, The Market, Oxford, OX1 3DX Market stall and premises 32.2 £17,000
30, The Market, Oxford, OX1 3DU Market stall and premises 25.92 £12,250
34 -35, The Market, Oxford, OX1 3DX Market stall and premises 12.5 £6,000
54 -55 & 88, The Market, Oxford, OX1 3DX Market stall and premises 42.4 £20,250
60 -62, The Market, Oxford, OX1 3DX Market stall and premises 52.7 £32,000
65 -66, The Market, Oxford, OX1 3DX Market stall and premises 35.6 £18,750
92 & 128-129a, The Market, Oxford, OX1 3DY Market stall and premises 79.3 £35,250
81 -82, The Market, Oxford, OX1 3DY Market stall and premises 33.3 £18,500
101 -102, The Market, Oxford, OX1 3DY Market stall and premises 30.84 £16,000
106 -107, The Market, Oxford, OX1 3DY Market stall and premises 31.3 £17,000
108 -109, The Market, Oxford, OX1 3DZ Market stall and premises 12.1 £6,400
110 -112, The Market, Oxford, OX1 3DZ Market stall and premises 17.2 £8,300
121, The Market, Oxford, OX1 3DZ Market stall and premises 18.8 £10,500
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