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Address Bst & Gnd F 8, Tottenham Street, London, W1T 4RB
Local council reference 00948000822228

Properties to compare yours with

Your property and the ones shown are in valuation scheme 621959. Valuation schemes group similar properties together.

Address Description Total area m²/unit Rateable value
Bst & Gnd Fs 13, Tottenham Street, London, W1T 2AH Shop and premises 80.41 £30,500
Bst & Gnd Fs 31, Tottenham Street, London, W1T 4RR Hairdressing salon and premises 41.7 £12,500
Gnd F 32, Tottenham Street, London, W1T 4RL Shop and premises 80.61 £20,000
Bst & Gnd Fs 3, Tottenham Street, London, W1T 2AF Shop and premises 88.4 £22,500
Bst-gnd Flrs 27, Tottenham Street, London, W1T 4RW Cafe and premise 50.69 £12,250
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