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Address Bst & Gnd Fs 25, Goodge Street, London, W1T 2PN
Local council reference 01063002510014

Properties to compare yours with

Your property and the ones shown are in valuation scheme 621960. Valuation schemes group similar properties together.

Address Description Total area m²/unit Rateable value
Bst & Gnd Fs 9, Goodge Street, London, W1T 2PE Betting shop and premises 117.59 £47,500
Bst & Gnd Fs 22, Goodge Street, London, W1T 2QE Shop and premises 74.4 £33,500
Bst & Gnd F 31a, Goodge Street, London, W1T 2PR Shop and premises 98.61 £33,000
Bst & Gnd Fs 64, Goodge Street, London, W1T 4NF Shop and premises 146.64 £58,000
Lgnd & Gnd Fls 35, Goodge Street, London, W1T 2PT Shop and premises 53.7 £33,500
Bst & Gnd Fs 25, Goodge Street, London, W1T 2PN Shop and premises 100.7 £42,500
Bst & Gnd Flr 13, Goodge Street, London, W1T 2PG Shop and premises 66.9 £29,750
Bst & Gnd Fs 19, Goodge Street, London, W1T 2PH Shop and premises 101.91 £42,750
Bst & Gnd Fs 28, Goodge Street, London, W1T 2QQ Shop and premises 73.65 £33,000
Bst & Gnd Fs 52, Goodge Street, London, W1T 4LZ Shop and premises 158.8 £58,000
Bst & Gnd Fs 41, Goodge Street, London, W1T 2PY Shop and premises 54.1 £27,500
Gnd F 23, Goodge Street, London, W1T 2PL Shop and premises 59.4 £39,500
Bst & Gnd Fs 24, Goodge Street, London, W1T 2QF Shop and premises 92.2 £28,750
Bst & Gnd Fs 26, Goodge Street, London, W1T 2QG Shop and premises 87.1 £29,000
Bst & Gnd Fs 42, Goodge Street, London, W1T 2QR Shop and premises 62.8 £31,500
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