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Address Bst & Grd Flr 52-56, Great Portland Street, London, W1W 7NE
Local council reference 400359205204

Properties to compare yours with

Your property and the ones shown are in valuation scheme 635705. Valuation schemes group similar properties together.

Address Description Total area m²/unit Rateable value
Bst And Gnd Flr 37, Eastcastle Street, London, W1W 8DR Showroom and premises 212 £116,000
Grd Flr 12-14, Mortimer Street, London, W1T 3JJ Showroom and premises 110.56 £62,000
Grd Flr 142-144, New Cavendish Street, London, W1W 6YF Showroom and premises 266.63 £152,000
Bst & Grd 53-55, Mortimer Street, London, W1W 8HR Clinic and premises 937.71 £290,000
Bst & Grd Flr 159, Great Portland Street, London, W1W 5PA Showroom and premises 279.91 £92,000
Bst & Grd Flr 26-28, Great Portland Street, London, W1W 8QT Showroom and premises 371.4 £185,000
Bst & Grd Flr 14, Riding House Street, London, W1W 7EN Shop and premises 56.6 £25,750
Bst & Grd Flr 82, Great Titchfield Street, London, W1W 7QT Shop and premises 111.7 £37,500
Bst & Grd Flr 122, Great Titchfield Street, London, W1W 6ST Shop and premises 127.4 £33,250
Bst & Grd Flr 109a, Great Titchfield Street, London, W1W 6RX Showroom and premises 96.7 £27,000
Bst-1st Flrs 27, Hanson Street, London, W1W 6TR Offices and premises 133.07 £47,500
Grd Flr 75-77, Margaret Street, London, W1W 8SY Showroom and premises 370.8 £252,500
Grd Flr Circus Hse 21, Great Titchfield Street, London, W1W 8BA Showroom and premises 64 £51,000
Bst 82a, Great Titchfield Street, London, W1W 7QU Store and premises 54.77 £8,200
Grd Flr 27, Margaret Street, London, W1W 8RY Showroom and premises 141.1 £78,500
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