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Address Warner Bros Studios Leavesden Warner Drive, Leavesden, Watford, WD25 7LP
Local council reference 101004700460

Properties to compare yours with

Your property and the ones shown are in valuation scheme 435474. Valuation schemes group similar properties together.

Address Description Total area m²/unit Rateable value
15 -23, Greenhill Crescent, Watford, WD18 8PH Warehouse and premises 10,380.63 £500,000
Former Langleybury School, Langleybury Lane, Kings Langley, Herts, WD4 8RW Film studios and premises 4,176.23 £225,000
Warner Bros Studios Leavesden Warner Drive, Leavesden, Watford, WD25 7LP Film studios and premises 134,098.93 £8,180,000
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